Invest in Zipinmail

Invest in a sustainable future

It’s about time to eliminate paper mail and implement a virtual postal system, globally.


Virtual mailbox
Direct mail advertising | Zipinmail

B2B SaaS Model

  • Zipinmail has created an all-in-one digital marketing solution to deliver marketing messages to opt-in consumers via Text (MMS), Email & Virtual Mailbox to authenticated individuals at verified mailing addresses.
  • Zipinmail is designed to increase visibility, brand recognition and new customer acquisition.
  • Businesses can blast their messages to everyone in a zip code or target them using hyper local demographic data built within the platform or upload their own customer data.
  • Text (MMS) delivered with an image of product or service has up to 98% Visibility.
  • Zipinmail drives low-cost impressions with our simple all-inclusive subscription plans.
Benefits of Virtual Mailbox for Business
Direct mail marketing | Zipinmail

Hyperlocal demographic data to reach target audience

Direct mail marketing | Zipinmail

Impact of direct mail for the cost of email

Direct mail marketing | Zipinmail
Reach your audience via text, email & virtual mailbox
Direct mail marketing | Zipinmail

Over 90% cost savings & compelling ROI

Direct mail marketing | Zipinmail

Campaign Management

Direct mail marketing | Zipinmail

Coupon management – upload coupons for free

Direct mail marketing | Zipinmail

Mailboxes for employees & departments

Direct mail marketing | Zipinmail

Cash rewards for targeted customers to click Zipinmail

Benefits of Virtual Mailbox for Consumers
It’s absolutely FREE  for Consumers.
Paid by Business so Consumers will get only legitimate mail and no spam.
Control what they receive: block by sender or category.
Digital mailbox | Zipinmail

No more paper mail

Digital mailbox | Zipinmail

Saves time & money

Digital mailbox | Zipinmail

No more clutter at home

Digital mailbox | Zipinmail

Access all mailboxes in cellphone

Digital mailbox | Zipinmail

Bills & statements organized and stored

Digital mailbox | Zipinmail

Change of address simplified

Digital mailbox | Zipinmail

Just click Zipinmail and earn cash

Digital mailbox | Zipinmail

Get bigger discounts & redeem via cell phone

Why Invest in Zipinmail?
Contact: for more info on Zipinmail Private Placement
Direct mail marketing | Zipinmail
Digital mailbox for business | Zipinmail
Product fully developed and actively selling in the market
First to market with a simple, logical, practical, end-to-end virtual mailbox platform
Disrupting $320B direct mail industry in USA and $1.6T industry globally
Compelling value proposition for Consumers & Business
‘Patented Technology: Process/Utility Patent granted!
No real competition, potential opportunity to be a monopoly
Highly qualified, experienced and passionate management team

Timing is perfect

Consumers hate papermail

Declining ROI for business

Environment is a key global issue

Potential Strategic Partnership or Acquisition : USPS, FedEx, UPS, DHL, Google, Microsoft, Constant Contact, Mailchimp, Omni and many others.
USPS and all postal systems in the world are losing money and looking for ways to digitize the paper mail industry.
Digital mailbox for business | Zipinmail
Zipinmail intends to go public in a few years
and has the potential to generate HUGE ROI
Save the trees and preserve our nature for future generations
Trees give oxygen and absorb carbon-dioxide & heat. Trees are the lungs of planet earth
Circulation of air is a natural cleanser of germs and viruses on planet earth
We destroy 68 million trees in USA and 400 Million trees globally every year for papermail and all of it is thrown in the trash

Paper industry is the 3rd largest polluters of Air, Water and Land

Saving millions of trees will increase air circulation, minimize global warming and has the potential to reduce global temperature by a few degrees over the next decade.
Direct mail advertising | Zipinmail

Invest in a sustainable future

Dear Human: If you don’t destroy me, I promise to give you food, water, shelter and oxygen!